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Roleplay fight mistakes!
- Thinking that vampires can be vegetarians and only drink animal blood. And are good. Ffs I'm moving this to the top of the list. #number one
- Squeezing through a door, gap or wall of big gritty orcs, without actually describing the attempt to do so.
- Getting knocked unconscious and then rejoining the fight several emotes later.
- When in a fight, your friends suddenly arrive! Which is great... except you asked them to oocly and gave them your location and the number of fighters... and their weaknesses... and - Okay basically Meta.
- Automatic crossbows!
- Automatic normal bows!
- Blades are able to lock other blades in place like some sorta clashing razor sharp magnet!
- Trying to fight a godmodder... big mistake.
- Magically knowing someone is behind you!
- Magically knowing someone is casting a magical spell behind you!
- Magically knowing anything is behind you!
- Taking too long to die.
- Rolling around in full plate armour and somehow being full of energy still! :D
- Full paragraph of speech whilst spinning on the stop, giving a backflip, kicking them in the face with a round house whilst simultaneously dodging all their attacks.
- Not describing how somehow you're able to jump /and/ swim in your full body armour.
- Breaking into a heavily guarded location, complete with iron bars, and not explaining how you did it, or saying you randomly broke through the wall with a pick axe and several hours of rofled time.
- Spying on a group without saying you're there, spying on the group.
- Engaging in a fight without any sorta strategy or formation.
- Not paying attention to the environment you're in.
- Stabbing someone with a knife, when they're wielding a sword/spear/axe, or basically anyone with a longer ranged weapon than you, and expecting to easily get up close to make it effective.
- Using a stick against an axe...
- Praying.
- Using magic in close combat without any symbols or hand gestures??? Fus Roh Dah!
- Thinking you can take down a group of people on your own that are clearly not noobs.
- Thinking you can't take down a group of people on your own that are clearly noobs.
- Thinking you'll actually get to fight a group of noobs, instead of the actual 30 min conversation about how their characters are not lore compliant, or they're breaking twelve of the rules and have reported them.
- Telling people you're an assassin? Gg.
- Logging out to avoid death, injury or being captured and telling them that your internet crashed.
- Logging back into the same situation five minutes later and finding those same people surrounding you waiting to cut off your arms and feed them to you.
- Expecting to get let in through the front door of a secret hideout with all your weapons and money.
- Extending your arm out when casting a spell. Slash. Merlin the one armed wizard!
- Shaking hands with someone who attacked you just a moment ago. Hello world of pain.
- Being a vampire and expecting people to take you seriously when you tell them you're the oldest vampire in the world.
- Being a vampire without reading any lore.
- Relying solely on sheer strength and speed than any strategy.
- Not realising longbows are designed to pierce through plate armour.
- Assuming killing blows actually immediately kill. "Haha I shot you!" <Is shot back> "F-fuuuu"
- Being a mage and fighting with a sword?
- Being a mage and spending ages charging a powerful spell that then misses.
- Being a mage and fighting someone with a bow.
- Not realizing that if you have a secret weapon, your enemy probably does too.
- Not thinking up an escape route or strategy.
- Being a super dodgy person that dodges!
- Making a crude easy to avoid attack and then complaining when your attack is avoided.
- Thinking you can easily hit an un-armoured person with a long range weapon.
- Talking oocly all the time throughout an rp.
- Poisoning every weapon you own, carrying a million daggers and having several grenades you just so happen to need at that moment in time! Convenient! :D
- Wrist blades! (I take it back if you've got an approved character)
- Never taking hits.
- Never giving your opponent a chance to make a full response.
- Refusing to become a prisoner ever.
- Thinking that a chair isn't a weapon.
- Thinking that a frying pan isn't a weapon.
- Fighting in a bar with a weapon. Booo. Fist fight!
- Trying to kill someone because they called you fat or insulted you.
- Fire mages can only cast fireball!
- #feelsnopain. No. Go die. You do not just ignore pain. For gods sake. Kill me now.
- Major injury noo... it's okay I'll be fine tomorrow.
- Getting hit by a cannonball.
- Relying solely on your career as an assassin or mercenary for money.
- Being a low born with no affiliation to any sort of militia, somehow owning a full suit of armour.
- Thinking smoke is only poison.
- Doing four attacks at a time. Gum gum... gatling gun!
- Super heavy shields. Shields aren't fully metal a lotta the time. Most have wood somewhere, and layers.
- Heavy armour makes me invulnerable to slashing weapons. <insert trollface here>
- Accurate cannons.
- Dodging arrows. Medieval matrix mode activate.
- Dodging attacks from behind.
- Thinking that wood suddenly becomes ash when subjected to flame. Has anyone tried to build a campfire before. That wood is bull***t!
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