Conveying Dyslexia
<Warning> This is an incredibly common condition and as such you are almost one hundred percent likely to come across an individual coping with Dyslexia at some point with your character! Do not misrepresent the condition, nor offend the individual reading, always be mindful of their opinions and feelings!
Alternatively those with Dyslexia have been known to excel occasionally in creative thinking and problem solving!
Dyslexia is a common learning difficulty, and it can really cause problems with reading, writing and spelling. The intelligence of an individual with Dyslexia is not affected whatsoever by this condition. They are just as capable as everyone else in regards to learning, remembering and recalling information. However it is unmistakably a life long problem that can present many hurdles to overcome on a daily basis.
Someone with Dyslexia might struggle with reading and writing at a particular speed, and they might also confuse up the order of letters in a word. Their spelling might be quite inconsistent and while able to easily grasp information when told verbally (just like anyone else), they can struggle with the same information written down in front of them. They may also struggle with directions, and with planning/organisation.
Alternatively those with Dyslexia have been known to excel occasionally in creative thinking and problem solving!
The reason for Dyslexia in real life is disputed, though it is known that it runs in families a lot of the time, so it is assumed that certain inherited genes might act together from your characters parents in a way that affects the development of their brain whilst growing up. Never the less, in a medieval setting it could be assumed solely that the condition passes down from parents or skips generations etc. Whilst in a more modern setting potentially they'd have a cure and or the reason for it existing in the first place (set in stone).
It's pretty difficult to overplay this condition in all honesty, since it's rare at least for me that my character will be presented with something to read and the like. However it is still possible, so be mindful of people around you and don't consistently mention the condition for your character!
- Delayed speech development as a child.
- Speech problems as a child.
- Problems expressing ones self with spoken language as a child.
- Little understanding of rhyming words as a child.
- Difficulty with learning letters of the alphabet (as a child!).
- Confusing order of letters in words.
- Reading slowly or making errors when reading aloud.
- Words and letters appearing to move around or blurr.
- Answering questions well orally but having difficulty writing them down.
- Difficulty carrying out directions.
- Struggling to learn sequences.
- Slow writing speed.
- Poor handwriting.
- Problems copying out language/written pieces of work.
- Poor phonological awareness.
- Such as knowing that words are made up of smaller units of sound, and that changing and manipulating these sounds can create new words and meanings.
- Difficulty planning extended pieces of writing.
- Difficulty revising for exams.
- Feeling the need to avoid reading and writing wherever it is possible.
- Difficulty taking notes, and struggling to remember things such as pin codes and telephone numbers.
- Difficulty meeting deadlines.
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