Basic character app template
Basic Information
- Age
- Parents
- Town of birth
- Current town
- Family relations
- Name - Age - Relation
- Specifically what type of house do they live in? With who?
- Ambitions in life?
Visual Information
Body description
- Height.
- Fat/weight distribution.
- Noticeable factors and reason for their development.
- Skin tone.
- Sunburns, scars, freckles, fingernails, sores, tattoos.
- Reason for their development.
- Body hair.
Head description
- Shape of face.
- Eye colour.
- General description.
- Hair type and colour. How her face is kept.
- Piercings tattoos and teeth condition?
Clothing and Accessories
- General description.
Behavior Information
Personality Traits
- 4 positive, 4 negative.
- Explanation of how personality trait came about for some.
- Explanation.
- 4 dislikes.
- Explanation.
Abilities and Disabilities
- Minimum 3.
- Must be equal or below amount of weaknesses.
- Must be balanced.
- Minimum of 3.
- Must be above number of strengths or equal.
- Must be combat weaknesses as well.
Combat Styles.
- 1 to 3 different styles. Must be lore compliant.
Weapons of choice.
- Rare weapons should be explained heavily in life story.
Life Story.
- Birth till present.
- Must be descriptive.
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